Monday, March 1, 2010

New City Documents Paint Another Picture

A recently filed FOIA request with the city of Xenia paints a picture different from the one the City is trying to present to the community. What is claimed to be an "emergency" driven tax levy, turns out to be a carefully crafted and created message by the City, with the helppecu0ktikwd74kf4ixit.jpg of consulting firm Avakian Consulting, from Columbus, OH.
In a completely disregard of its own policies and laws, which are in place for the protection of taxpayers and the prevention of fraud and misappropriation of funds, the City of Xenia awarded an "emergency" no-
bid contract to Avakian for the amount of $25,000 for the purpose of helping "educate" city residents. What the city really means is, "help pass Issue 7." The problem with these actions is that they are in direct violation of Ohio Election laws, and citizens should not, and cannot stand for it. The City of Xenia, to say it in the plainest words possible, is using taxpayer funds to sell taxpayers a tax levy.

Not only this, but as the documents attached show, City Management know what they are doing is highly inappropriate, with City Councilmen being outright confused by the direction taken by Mr. Percival, Xenia City Manager. During a Special Budget Meeting on January 30, 2010, Mr. Percival was asked by Councilman Smith:
"if the goal [of Avakian] was to pass the levy or improve the city's image. Mr. Percival said both. Councilman Smith asked what the number one priority was. Mr. Percival did not think one could be done without the other...The image, marketing and promotional campaign will be directly tied to the levy campaign; you can't separate the two."

Mr Percival even expressed frustration at the fact that Ohio Election law
prevents the CityCouncil from knocking at doors to directly promote the levy, saying "it was ridiculous the city council couldn't go out and promote it [the levy]."

The City Manager was also questioned by Councilman Louderback, inquiring about the same issue: was the purpose of the consultants to pass the levy? Clearly, the ultimate and primary goal for retaining Avakian is being reinforced by the answers repeatedly
: to pass the tax levy. Knowing that it would be very difficult to justify the hiring of a consultant for that express purpose however, the City is attempting to bypass election law by throwing in other services, such as "magazine articles and other things to promote the City."

Unfortunately followup emails originating in the Clerk's office paint a different picture, again, that of Avakian's role being that of solely helping the passage of the tax levy by the city, all using public funds and taxpayers dollars. In an email dated January 28, 2010, City Clerk Michelle Johnson sent an email to Joel G. from Avakian, making it clear what the primary purpose of the relationship was: passage of the levy.

I urge you, if you are a Xenia City resident to stand up to this injustice, to the unjust ways in which the City of Xenia is spending your money, and the ways in which the city is trying to manipulate you and your voting intentions. Please join us on the Stop Xenia Tax Facebook page and voice your opinion about this attempt to undermine your authority as a citizen, and the blatant mismanagement of public funds.

1 comment:

  1. What do you want to bet, like in columbus during their scare campagin, just before the vote the Mayor or the City Manager will come out and say if you pass this then we will pick the leaves as before or put in something for the children.
