Friday, February 26, 2010

Help stop the Xenia Tax Levy

This web page is an effort by Xenia City residents attempting to create awareness and put a stop to the Xenia City's efforts to raise our income tax by an astounding amount of 28.57%. The City placed the tax levy increase on the May 4 primary elections ballot as Issue 7.

The City of Xenia has mounted an aggressive marketing campaign to promote and provide support for the tax levy via websites and marketing materials mailed to the homes of city residents, so we need your support in defeating this measure.

What you can do to help defeat this measure:
  1. Contact all your friends and family and let them know that the City of Xenia is trying to raise their income tax by 28.5% - tell them to VOTE NO ON ISSUE 7.
  2. Tell every resident you know to go vote on May 4, 2010 and not stay home. The city places this measure on the May ballot for a reason, counting on only a few people voting such as city employees, union workers and those in favor of the tax increase.
  3. Calling the city to complain will not help as they already created a "talking points" list in order to feed you canned answers when you contact them.
  4. Call local newspapers, radio stations and media to let them know that you do not want this measure to pass.
Please contact us at with questions.


  1. I'm with 'ya! Me and about 10 more votes anyway, for now.

  2. My husband and I are with you also! The citizens of Xenia pay enough!

  3. Not only is there this issue 7 for the fire department, they also have a 3 mill renewal which is issue 9.
